5 Political Issues
Climate Change
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http://www.theneeds.com/read/n3833694/editorial-cartoon-godzilla-climate-change-theweek |
The natural force being that since the Earth's birth there has been periods of high and low temperatures, and high and low carbon dioxide levels; the earth's temperature fluctuates. It is shown in this chart below. The human race has been on the earth for about 4,000 years, a very minuscule amount compared to the age of the Earth, so any change in temperature, from what we previously recognize, is a big deal to us. As shown in the chart below, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is directly correlated to the temperature. I believe that while the Earth is going through a natural process right now, we are speeding up the process. This was proven after scientists looked at the sun to see if it has become more active because studies have shown that solar variability has played a major role in past climate changes, such as the one's in the image below. The scientists found that global warming cannot be explained by changes in energy from the since because "since 1750, the average amount of energy coming from the sun either remained constant or slightly increased...would expect to seed warmer temperatures in all layers of the atmosphere..have observed a cooling in the upper atmosphere, and a warming at the surface and in the lower parts of the atmosphere...greenhouse gasses are trapping heat in the lower atmosphere." ("Causes of Climate Change").
http://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/kids/basics/past.html |
NASA has a website dedicated to informing the masses about the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and the global temperature. As of right now, there are 401.58 parts per million carbon dioxide in the air, which is the highest it's been in 650,000 years, and the global temperature has increased 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, and 10 of the warmest years have occurred after 2000. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published its Fourth Assessment Report which concluded that there is more than a 90% probability that human activist over the past 250 years have warmed our planet. ("Causes of Climate Change"). This is why out country needs to focus on the issue of climate change; we are the reason why it has become so out of control.
Money and resources should be focused on this issue because the U.S. is the main contributor to CO2 in the air. This means that if Americans were to change something, the issue on global temperatures could drastically decrease.
The nation that has put the biggest cumulative portion of CO2 into the air, would be the U.S. ("Who's Most to Blame"). |
Political Party's Stance:
Republican: A majority of Republicans (52%) believe that climate change is happening and the large majority (77%) think that the U.S. should use more renewable energy sources to help prevent greenhouse gas emissions. ("A National Survey").
Democrat: The Democrats believe that climate change is a valid problem and are "committed to curbing the effects of climate change, protecting America's natural rescuers, and ensuring the quality of our air." They have invested in clean-energy and want to focus on sustainable solutions to protect the environment and grow the economy. (Democratics.org).
Green: The Green Party is perhaps the most concerned about climate change out of all the parties. They believe that "climate change is one of the worst environmental hazards facing human society and the rest of the biosphere." The fact that climate change has become a global issue, it emphasizes the need for global environmental cooperation. The Green Party wants to safeguard the climate and "prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system". Furthermore, they want to have an establishment that has annual targets for global and national greenhouse gas emission reductions. ("Climate Change").
Socialist: The Socialist Party recognizes that there is a issue with global warming and that America needs to "return to participation in international agreements...limiting carbon emissions, and accept a major role in worldwide efforts to control global warming." ("Who We Are").
Libertarian: The Libertarian Party believes that we needs to have a clean and healthy environment, and be sensible with the use of our natural resources. They recognize that pollution and a misuse of our resources have caused damage to the ecosystem and environmental advocates and social pressure are the most effective ways to change public behavior. (Platform).
Gun Control
Gun control is of high controversy, especially in the south. It is significant to me in the sense that I have grown up around family members who own guns, and my Grandfather use to allow me to shoot his guns on his farm, that is before I lost interest in it. My family's view on the topic is that American's have to right to own guns and have them in your home and car, but should not be able to carry guns in public for there is no real need for them. I agree with that stance. This should be an important issue for America because due to cases where there has been mass shootings, people have been wanting to prevent the sale of guns. I do believe this violates people's 2nd amendment yet there should be some restrictions to who can buy and own guns, and a ban of certain guns such as semi automatic and automatic guns.
The restrictions should be as the following:
1. Age limit should stay the same: handguns- 21 long guns- 18
2. Extensive background checks
3. No sale of semi automatic or automatic guns
The only place where they should be allowed are at shooting ranges
Money and resources should be put into this issue to ensure background checks. As of right now, there are only eighteen states and Washington, D.C. who require criminal background checks. "In these states, 46 percent fewer women are shot to death by their partners, 48 percent fewer on-duty police officers are shot and killed, 48 percent fewer people commit suicide with guns, and there is 48 percent less gun trafficking." About 92% of Americans, including 82% of gun owners and 74% of NRA members support criminal background checks but because of gun lobbies, Congress and most states have failed to prevent loopholes in the background check system, which is that federal law only requires licensed gun dealers to conduct background checks. This, in turn, allows millions of guns to be exchanged each year without checks because of online sales or gun shows through unlicensed "private sellers". If money and resources were spent to prevent these activities from happening, every state could have a high percentage of less people shot to death by their partners, on-duty officers shot and killed, less suicides by guns, and gun trafficking.
Furthermore, The Virginia Tech shooter, who killed 32 people, was actually banned from buying guns because a court found him severely mentally ill but he passed a background check because his records never made it to the national background check database. ("Every Town for Gun Control").
Political Party's Stance:
Republican: The Republican Party believes in the right to obtain and store ammunition without registration and that people should be allowed to carry firearms in public with a permit. There should be more public land opened to hunting, no frivolous gun lawsuits, and no gun licensing. Overall, they protect the right to bear arms completely. (Republic Party).
Democratic:The Democratic Party believes the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation such as a background check. There should be a ban on the gun show loophole. Also, a reauthorization on assault weapons, and to strengthen gun control to reduce the level of violence happening in America. (Democratic Party On Gun Control).
Green: The Green Party wants to eliminate the gun show loophole, restrict police use of guns and all forms of control weapons, and support Brady Bill and thoughtful gun control. (Green Party).
Socialist: The Socialist party "supports federal buyout programs for arms, federal safety standards and licensing for arms, and community-based public training for gun owners." ("Who We Are").
Libertarian: The Libertarian Party believes that "gun ownership, by itself, harms no other person and cannot morally justify criminal penalties." According to them, making guns illegal will not stop people from owning guns, it will just leave law abiding citizens defenseless against criminals who own guns regardless of the law. They don't think there should be a ban on semi-automatic "assault rifles" and that people who abuse guns should be severely punished, not the responsible owners. (Platform).
Decriminalizing Drugs Use
http://www.cagle.com/2012/06/decriminalize-marijuana/ |
Personally, I am against drug use, and will participate in drug use yet I do believe in decriminalizing drug use. This issue is significant to me in the sense that I know of people, most friends of friends, who have been put in jail due to possession of drugs. America should be aware of this issue because arresting people for simply using a drug is ineffective, unjust, and costly. There are bigger issues than people out there smoking marijuana.
As you can see, since decriminalization, Portugal saw a decrease every aspect, drug-use, drug induced death, and HIV cases. This is proof that decriminalizing can work, yet Portugal also, with decriminalizing drugs, instituted a robust public health model for treating hard drug addiction and expanded the welfare system to guarantee a minimum income, so this played a part in the success of decriminalizing drugs. (14 Years).
Money and resource should be used on this issue to set up treatment clinics for people who using drugs rather than incarcerating them, and perhaps should do what Portugal did and fix our welfare system. According to the U.S. Drug Arrests in 2013, 82% of arrests were for possession while only 18% of the arrests were for sales and manufacturing of drugs. In the U.S. today there are roughly 50,000 people who are incarcerated in state prison for nothing more than a being in possession of small quantities of drugs. "Tens of thousand more are in jail, on prohibition, or sent to prison for a technical violation of probation or parole involving drug use or possession." America is spending too much money incarcerating people who use drugs and the war on drugs. If the government used their resources and money they are using on jailing people and the "war on drugs" towards treatment clinics, they would spend about 20,000 dollars less than incarceration per person per year.
Political Party's Stance:
Republican: They are against legalizing marijuana and call for stricter federal regulations over it and are worried that if it became legal, more drug-related car accidents will rise.
Democratic: About 65% of the Democratic Party is for legalizing marijuana. (Republican Views).
Green: They believe in legalizing Cannabis/Hemp (marijuana); it should be regulated and controlled like cigarettes and alcohol, until this happens they advocate that medical marijuana be made a prescription drug. Also, more drug counseling and treatment should be implemented. They fully support the decriminalization of "Victimless" crimes such as possession of a small amount of marijuana. (Green Party On Drugs).
Socialist: The Socialist Party believes in decriminalizing drug use and de-funding war on drugs. They "call for the redirection of funds spent on the "war on drugs" to comprehensive community-based, client-controlled rehabilitation programs" (Socialist Party On Drugs).
Libertarian: The Libertarian believe that drugs should be legalized and people allowed to do as they see fit with everything from marijuana to heroin; adults have the responsibility to choose what to put in their bodies.
As a girl, this is an important issue to me because I may have children, and may face this problem myself. In the U.S. there has been serious debate on whether abortion should be legal or not, the two sides are pro-life and pro-choice. Most pro-life views are those of religious groups and they feel as though abortion is immoral and it takes the life of a defenseless human being. The pro-choice side of the issue either believe that it is within the rights for a person to make their own decision with their life and body, or they believe that before a certain amount of time, the fetus isn't living.
I believe that it should be pro-choice with some rules though. You shouldn't be able to get an abortion past the first trimester. In the first trimester, week 1-10, the fetus is only 1 inch long and has basic features, primitive heart, and nervous system. By the second trimester, 13-16 weeks, the brain is fully developed and the fetus can feel pain. If a woman wants to get an abortion, she should get it before the second trimester or not get one at all.
The country should focus on this issue because it has caused lots of controversy and needs to be addressed for a final time. Money and resources should be used to keep and maintain planned parenthood clinics. It helps to prevent abortions, perform safe abortion, and inform women on how to be safe. According to the image below, abortions only account for 3% of Planned Parenthood's services; it mainly provides contraception and treatment for STIs/STDs.
I believe that it should be pro-choice with some rules though. You shouldn't be able to get an abortion past the first trimester. In the first trimester, week 1-10, the fetus is only 1 inch long and has basic features, primitive heart, and nervous system. By the second trimester, 13-16 weeks, the brain is fully developed and the fetus can feel pain. If a woman wants to get an abortion, she should get it before the second trimester or not get one at all.
The country should focus on this issue because it has caused lots of controversy and needs to be addressed for a final time. Money and resources should be used to keep and maintain planned parenthood clinics. It helps to prevent abortions, perform safe abortion, and inform women on how to be safe. According to the image below, abortions only account for 3% of Planned Parenthood's services; it mainly provides contraception and treatment for STIs/STDs.
http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/08/05/429641062/fact-check-how-does-planned-parenthood-spend-that-government-money |
http://www.familyfacts.org/charts/237/women-most-likely-to-get-abortions-are-poor-never-married-have-some-college |
Political Party's stances:
Republican: Republicans believe that abortions are wrong and firmly believe that an unborn child, like any individual in this country, has the right to life and should not be infringed upon others. They believe that the Fourteenth amendment applies to unborn children as well. They oppose any health care options that include the coverage of abortion and support tax incentives for those who choose adoption over abortion. They are pro-life. ("Republican Views").
Democrat: The Democrats strongly and unequivocally support Roe v. Wade which is that a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, includes safe and legal abortion. Abortion is a personal decision between a woman, her family, doctor, and clergy; there is not a place for government officials and politicians. They invest in stem cell and other medical research, using the fetus. (Democratic Party on Abortion).
Green: The Green Party wants to include contraception in all health insurance coverage, supports a woman's right to reproductive choice, and oppose government's habit of cutting family planning funds. They believe that a women's right to control their bodies is non-negotiable; it is essential to have the option of a safe, legal abortion. They want to cover abortion under national health care system. (Green Party on Abortion).
Socialist: "We demand full support for every woman's right to choose when, if, and how to have children, including the right to free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy, without interference or coercion." (Platform).
Libertarian: The Libertarian Party believes that the government should be kept out of the matter of abortion and an abortion is a woman's choice and does not concern the state. (Libertarian Party on Abortion).
Border Control/Illegal Immigrants
Most illegal immigrates come from Mexico. |
Political Party's Stances:
Republican: The Republican Party wants tightly controlled borders and only legal immigrants should be allowed in. They are against amnesty for they think it encourages illegal immigration. (Republican Party).
Democratic: The Democratic Party wants to legalize illegal immigrants and lessen border control. They especially likes Hispanics because "Today, they form 14.4% (of our population)." 60 percent to 75 percent of the hispanics vote Democratic so they have worked to naturalize them. (Democratic Party).
Green: "The Green Party calls for permanent border passes to all citizens of Mexico and Canada whose identity can be traced and verified...work permits for citizens of Mexico and Canada must be easily obtainable thereby decriminalizing the act of gainful employment...help eliminate exploitation of undocumented persons by criminal engaged in human contraband.." (Green Party). They want to give undocumented immigrants a chance to become citizens of the U.S. with minimal processing fees, and they do not blame immigrants for social and economic problems. (Green Party).
Socialist: The Socialist Party wants the borders to be open to every, the people can move freely across the borders to visit and to live wherever they want. "defend the rights of all immigrants to education, health care, and full civil and legal rights and call for an unconditional amnesty program for all undocumented people." (Platform).
Libertarian: The Libertarian party wants unrestricted political refugees, yet restrict threats to security, health, or property. Furthermore, they want to eliminate all restrictions on immigration, this means no more Border Control, the abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and declare full amnesty for all people who have entered the country illegally. (Libertarian Party).
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